Childhood Conditions Requiring Chiropractic Help

chiropractor help for childrenDoes your child have trouble breastfeeding? Or have they sprained their ankle playing soccer? There are many scenarios where children undergo several stresses in the body, especially during development that need to be taken care of to prevent further symptoms or injury. 

Just like adults, children of any age can develop structural imbalances in the spine. These imbalances can originate from pregnancy, birth, and development into adolescence. This is why it is important to address the root cause before the symptoms can develop further into adulthood and when they are more prominent, especially during their growing phases. 

Chiropractic care with Dr. Rogini takes care of all children using gentle, non-invasive methods to target areas that cater to your child’s needs. As the child develops, chiropractic care can help adjust those minor imbalances in the spine that causes physical stresses that the child may not be able to verbally express, but your child may show signs of being cranky or moody, restless, and sleepless nights.

It is our job here at Shakti Chiro to educate our patients on the importance of Chiropractic care to not only address these symptoms, but elevate your lifestyle going beyond the physical body.


Some symptoms of childhood conditions that can be experienced from birth until young adulthood are the following:

  • Headaches
  • bed wetting
  • Constipation
  • breastfeeding difficulties
  • neck pain/back pain
  • torticollis
  • sports injuries
  • ear infections
  • Colic
  • Asthma 
  • Growing pains
  • Scoliosis
  • Posture problems that are tech related
  • Compensating when they stand or walk
  • Trouble moving the head or neck
  • Delayed milestones

Some symptoms can arise without the child or the parent knowing as they may be an underlying root cause to other symptoms. Our Chiropractor will easily identify those symptoms while taking a look at your child’s medical history and other significant events that have happened. We are a child-friendly center that sees many families, making sure your child is comfortable after each adjustment.

Source of health problems

Where do these symptoms originate, and what is the source of these conditions? Certain areas in the spine that are adding stress in children can vary from different experiences in the past, whether it originated from slips and falls, whiplash from roller coasters, or physical intervention from birth. Our spine is our prime communicator to our brain, therefore correcting these minor stressors can send proper signals to the nervous system to generate a positive response in our body. 

Technology can also play a huge factor, as poor posture can lead to neck and back pain in children from looking at a screen for an extended period of time. With the rise of screen usage in schools and at home, it is natural for children to experience “Tech Neck” without realizing. 

When we are stressed, our brain gets overstimulated and this affects the rest of our body such as our digestive system and immune system. This can be seen in children, for example, a child can be suffering with indigestion because the digestive system is receiving poor signals from the brain, due to a stressed spine. Children with autism have their central nervous system the most affected, therefore Chiropractors like Dr. Rogini help target certain areas of the spine to deliver proper signals to the brain. Breech babies can also be treated by Chiropractors using the Webster Technique by correcting pelvic misalignment and gently adjusting the sacrum of mothers. 

Early ages of childhood are exciting times, as kids learn to play and run around. As children begin discovering their surroundings, they may put stress onto their back through crawling, taking their first walk, and when they become adolescents, through playing sports and reaching puberty. All these sequential events put the spine more at work that can leave minor traumas to go unnoticed. Chiropractic care can help address these subluxations to prevent future issues. Giving birth can also cause many traumas not only in the child, but for the mother as well. 

Dr. Rogini often sees parents and children together, as family is all connected and essential to thrive as one. Treating families all together not only addresses the root causes right away, but will holistically heal the family and work on their lifestyle together to minimize physical or mental traumas. 

Finding Solutions

Chiropractic care in children uses a technique that does not involve manual twisting or cracking of the spine. This method is gentle on the child and non-invasive. For newborns the adjustments are much more gentle using fingertip pressure that can make some soft popping noises, signaling that the spine is positively responding to the adjustments. The immune system of children responds quicker than adults due to age, which means that getting spinal adjustments allows the body to have an innate knowledge to send proper signals to the brain. The body has memory to improve, given that the child is consistent in their treatment plan. 

Consistency in getting your spine adjusted helps children to go back into their regular routine, and therefore improves the overall quality of life for the family. It is most rewarding to see results in children improving so that they can excel in their extracurriculars, at school, and to increase their energy. When children are in pain, it may be difficult for parents to understand exactly how their kids are feeling. A proper nutritious diet and physical activity is also essential for the body to heal, however having a healthy spine is the important component to prevent further complications and poor health conditions during adulthood. However it is important to note that every child’s individual condition is different and each body responds to treatments at an individualized pace. That is why Dr. Rogini will help create a personal treatment plan to provide assurance to the child and the family what works best for them. 

How Holistic Chiropractic differs from regular Chiropractic:

At Shakti Chiro, treating patients in their childhood stages will naturally help improve their everyday lives without the dependence of medications or surgery. We strive to not only focus on the spine but the overall relief of the body, helping identify the root cause to prevent disease and distress. The body has a natural way of healing, and infants have an intelligence that connects every part of the body when the spine is being adjusted. When the subluxations aren’t being addressed, other stresses can accumulate and can impact the child on a mental and emotional level. For example, children may have trouble sleeping due to back pain which can add extra emotional stress that could be difficult for children to cope with, impacting their studies and overall presence in the family. Dr. Rogini may offer recommendations such as stretches to help supplement your healthy lifestyle as a holistic approach. A list of benefits of these chiropractic adjustments include:

  • A stronger immune system
  • Improved sleep quality
  • Increased mobility
  • Better athletic performance
  • Faster recovery from injuries
  • Increase the function of the nervous system
  • Increase activity in extracurriculars 

Our being is not only our physical component, but a healthy mind creates that self awareness to know our bodies better in order to recover properly. Dr. Rogini welcomes and treats many families and we encourage parents to be treated alongside their kids, as we notice an increase in energy and overall health, reducing sickness. Our goal at Shakti Chiro is for families to operate in unity for a healthier outlook on life and that we give your child a treatment plan that helps them be consistent in all aspects of their daily routine! 

Book online or call us at 905-553-0397 to see Dr. Rogini today to address your spinal needs and begin your wellness journey!