Chiropractic Help With Pregnancy in Vaughan

Chiropractic Help With Pregnancy in VaughanExperiencing the gift of pregnancy and conceiving a child is an exciting period of a mother’s life, this is why it is essential to take care of your health and embrace these changes the body is going through before the special day. 

Are you experiencing lower back pain or pelvic discomfort? Do you feel physically and emotionally stressed about your pregnancy? Are you currently having a breech pregnancy? Dr. Rogini, a Chiropractor based in Vaughan, is highly trained to provide the best and safe chiropractic care during pregnancy and the ease of birth. 

Here at Shakti Chiro, we prioritize gentle adjustments that are comfortable and light on the touch, taking care of both the mother and the child throughout all trimesters. Some mothers receive chiropractic care to maintain spinal health and misaligned joints that cause nerve stress on the body without the use of drugs or surgery. Dr. Rogini is here to assess your medical history, providing comfortable adjustments to increase the ability for a natural and safe birth. 

What are some symptoms faced during pregnancy?

As the body is constantly adjusting and readjusting during each trimester, mothers experience additional stress that can affect their delivery. Some symptoms experienced during pregnancy can be:

  • lower/upper back pain
  • Rib misplacement/pain
  • Increase nausea
  • increased back curve
  • Pelvic discomfort/pain
  • Postural changes
  • numbness/tingling of the fingers or toes
  • Pubic bone pain
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Changes in immune system
  • Sciatica
  • Breech babies/transverse

Symptoms of discomfort can carry on even during postpartum, such as:

  • Lower back pain
  • Sciatica
  • Disc pain/bulge
  • Neck pain
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Mood swings
  • Decreased activity
  • Back stiffness
  • Poor posture

Chiropractor for Help With PregnancyElevated emotions are completely normal during postpartum, and they are heavily influenced by the physical stress your body is enduring. Giving birth naturally adds immense stress on the spine and back, so the body is constantly going through changes with your physical weight as well as hormonal changes postpartum. Dr. Rogini, a Vaughan Chiropractor, helps ensure that these symptoms are alleviated during pregnancy and postpartum to not only maintain optimal spinal health, but also for you to become your strongest and healthiest self when nurturing your baby.

Sources of Pregnancy symptoms

Your body has a natural intelligence during pregnancy, and it is essential to feed it with the proper tools to maintain its best. We first have to understand where these symptoms originate. Your pelvis changes to help support your baby during pregnancy and aid you during childbirth. When there is discomfort in your pelvis, your joints become stiff and more difficult to move properly, causing extra heaviness as your baby is growing. Some may experience this discomfort in the early weeks, or months closer to the time of delivery. 

Headaches are also a common symptom during pregnancy because of the accumulated tension and hormonal changes. Some mothers experience intense “morning sickness” due to stressors in the digestive system. Other reasons could be due to stress or lack of sleep. Chiropractic care allows your nerves to work optimally, and in turn will relax your muscles leading to a better sleep overall and reduce built-up tension.

Finding solutions during your pregnancy

We want the best conditions for you and your child during these 9 months. Going to Dr. Rogini for pregnancy care provides many benefits, including:

  • Alleviate back/neck pain
  • Reduce nausea/morning sickness
  • Prevent the use of medications or surgery
  • Restore pelvic balance and alignment
  • Decrease intrauterine constraints
  • A smoother, powerful delivery
  • Better sleep
  • Faster recovery after labor
  • Increased wellness during and after pregnancy
  • Reposition the baby if there isn’t enough room for the head to be down, or if they are in a breech position
  • Can shorten the time you are in labor
  • Reduce/remove postpartum pain

Chiropractic care for pregnancy uses the Webster Technique, a gentle and non-invasive adjustment that helps reduce tension of tight uterine muscles and pelvic muscles. We also supply pregnancy pillows fit for all three trimesters, so that you are at your most comfortable state when getting adjusted by a chiropractor. As you lay down on your stomach with the pregnancy pillow, our drop tables help with more of a gentle adjustment for your spine with less pressure. 

Dr. Rogini will take a look at your medical history, go over any significant changes in your spine that led to your symptoms, and provide you with a specialized treatment plan to make sure you are getting your adjustments completed. As a Chiropractor, Dr. Rogini recommends that you get your spine checked early on in your first trimester to ensure a healthy pregnancy and delivery. Patients who come into our clinic for pregnancy care are treated with gentle adjustments and we make sure their spine is properly being taken care of even after giving birth. 

And of course, Dr. Rogini will help take care of your newborn with gentle Chiropractic care to ensure they are starting their wellness journey as well!

How Holistic Chiropractic differs from regular Chiropractic:

As a Holistic Chiropractor, Dr. Rogini prioritizes the overall well being of each patient by not only identifying the root cause of the spinal subluxations, but addresses any emotional stressors that can interfere with the overall lifestyle of the patient. Dr. Rogini takes time to educate every patient on the importance of having a healthy spine, and what parts of the body are necessary to work on to relieve pain during pregnancy. Aside from getting consistent adjustments for pregnancy care based on the recommended treatment plan, holistic Chiropractors also recommend stretches and gentle movements to help maintain balance as well as posture. 

Dr. Rogini provides proper tools to help address emotional triggers that you may not have acknowledged from before, and apply those methods to add into your pregnancy journey, as well as postpartum and providing for your child. These holistic practices allow for a smooth delivery, minimizing stress on the spine. When the mother is actively taking care of her physical and emotional well being, it will be easier on the baby once delivery takes place. A happy family living in harmony is the key for a fulfilling life! 

We are here to start your healing journey with you, call us today at 905-553-0397 or book online to experience your first Chiropractic care with Dr. Rogini!