Chiropractic &


Pregnancy puts tremendous stress to the mother's spine, lower back and nervous system, due to the bio-mechanical and hormonal changes to the body, leading to pain and discomfort. Weight gain and gait changes puts tremendous stress on the lower back, head and neck. Pregnancy can be a stressful time for mother and baby and in many instances infants run out of space well ahead of their due date. This is particularly evident in mothers of a petite stature. Common complaints that suggest baby is running out of room may include finding it difficult to breathe, pain radiating around the rib cage and one or more of the ribs being tender to touch.

Other than pain management and wellness care during pregnancy we also use WEBSTER Technique for prevention of breech babies. Shakti Chiro receives many pregnancy referral from Family Care Midwives of Vaughan.

Common Symptoms we address during pregnancy:

• Lower Back Pain
• Sciatica
• Tight Muscles
• Shortness of Breath
• Tenderness around Rib cage
• Tailbone Pain
• Acid Reflux
• Groin Pain
• Headaches
• Pregnancy related Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
• Swollen Legs and Feet

Find out today how we can help you!